Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We went to the doctor on the 24th and had a great appointment. He is weighing in at about 2.5lbs and is right on track. Dr. Killeen said. If everything continues to go well and not have any problems that he will deliver between the 8th and 12th of June. I can't believe that we are getting so close and BIG! Keep us in your prayers and for this to continue to be a great preg. Thank you all so far for the prayers.


Trista taking it easy at the pool.

Trista and Brier getting their feet wet.

They are so cute!

Russ baiting Trista's fishing pool.

Showing her how to hold the poll and fish from the dock.

She was telling us and Russ that the fish are little.

Trista's first fishing advantage and fish.

Russ fishing with Trista's Barbie fishing poll.

Relaxing on the couch.

Trista throwing rocks over the deck into the lake.

Brier and Trista throwing rocks.

Trista feeding the fish at the dock.

Us at our new clean condo!

Mimi getting lovings.


The water was cold so the kiddos just put there feet in.

Trista was posing for the camera on a relaxing boat ride.

Feeding the fish and loving it.

Mimi was playing with the kids and enjoying her time at the lake.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I want to first start out by saying thanks a million to Ronnie, Donna, Mimi, Adrian, and Brier for going down to the lake a couple of days early to clean our condo for us and getting it ready. I can not tell you in words how thankful we are for you doing this for us. We greatly appricate it and it looks wonderful.

Donna cleaning on the stove. She did a wonderful job and it looks great.

Adrian cleaning also.

We just arrived at the condo and it was
looking and smelling brand new.

Trista and Brier helping unload the trailer.

Adrian helping unload the trailer full of furniture too.


It rained a little a few days before this and Russ was trying to get it wet to dig some dirt out. I think that it got a little more than just wet.

Trista said that she was checking on her fish in her pond.

Russ digging dirt out.

Trista told me that her fish eat salad and chicken.
I told her that I think that she had some funny fish.

Digging some more and more.